Needs vs Wants & the OMJ Fall Preview

I'm sorry in advance; I may get a bit philosophical in this week's blogpost. On my never-ending mission to ensure OMJ is the very best it can be, sometimes a light bulb will go off (something of an "aha" moment) and things become crystal clear on the path forward. While OMJ has always been great at customer service, I will admit we aren't great salespeople in the traditional sense. I am way too practical to be even a halfway decent salesperson...and have probably talked more people out of buying things than I have talked them into it 😂. I genuinely want what is best and "practical" for my customers...but the fatal flaw in that is that often it is through the lens of what I (Brad) would do, and does not take into account my client's goals or personalities. Enter...Needs vs Wants!
Over the past few months I have enjoyed getting into watches (yes I know I am late to the game, but anyone who knows me knows I love a good rabbit hole...so it was for my own good to wait...also, getting into wine is still on the list but will have to wait a few more years... it's not in the budget 😁). It hit me... I 100% do not need any of these watches I am reading about and researching...and most I will never in my life be able to afford or own...but you know what? Just because I don't need them doesn't mean I can't want them. You see, there is power in that, having something to aspire to/for... and often this can inspire and motivate you to be your best. And that my friends is how clothing is for SO MANY...it is their "collectors item"...their Rolex, Omega, or Patek Philippe. And I, perhaps like a watchmaker with access to all of the horological treasures, have taken this for granted. I do this every day for a living, so my needs are much different than most. Perhaps it is also the lingering impact of COVID and a bit of PTSD (focusing on the basics to get by and nothing else). Did anyone need this anymore? Did the countless guys coming into my store in 2020/2021 boosting about not having to wear suits anymore cut deeper than I let on?...(and yes I know this was more about their insecurities of not knowing how to dress and having a free pass not to during the work from home days of the pandemic, but still...read the room guys!)?. I fell into a pattern ...Need a suit for a wedding?...we got you covered! Need a jacket or some shirts because you are going back into the office?...done! Need a new suit because you lost or gained weight?... Makes perfect sense! The point is, all those were NEEDS...and at OMJ when you needed something we delivered. We were great at helping with your needs because practically speaking it made sense. What we haven't done well though, however, was listen to your WANTS. Instead of just giving you what you needed, we should have listened and been better at the rest. Want to dress better?...here is how. Want a wardrobe refresh?... Here are all the pieces you will want and how to put all the things together. Want a higher-end fabric because it makes you feel that much more confident and empowers you?...Let me show you Loro Piana and Zegna.
You, as customers deserve to be able to "want" great clothing, and what you are buying should inspire you...whether it is now...or an aspiration years from now. Clothing is powerful and can change someone's career trajectory with the confidence it can bring and the doors it can open. I call it "spiraling up" (you dress better, you feel better, you gain confidence, and it spills over to your performance). Part of our job is helping you see that...and helping you achieve it (whether finding accessibly priced options if you are on a budget or building a plan to get you there over time that is mapped out and intentional). You are in safe hands!
At OMJ we are here for your needs AND wants and are happy to be your guide. So, to be much better at the sales part of our jobs, we have worked with our factories to make it much easier for you the customer. Introducing our Fall/Winter preview for some of our coming offerings presented as complete looks (all shoppable, from jackets, shoes, trousers, knits, and even pocket squares). You will no longer have to imagine something based on a small piece of material, you can now picture yourself in all the things. Be careful, you will likely find yourself saying "I WANT them all!"
Have a great rest of the week!
Bradley Rhyne, CEO
OMJ Partnerships & Recommendations
Shoes:Crockett & Jones Ferragamo Allen Edmonds
Skincare:Malin+Goetz Aesop
Clothing/Fabric:Barbour Todd Snyder Gladson Loro Piana Drago Abraham Moon VBC Reda Angelico Stylbiella Zegna
Accessories:Tag Huer Hoodinkee Foundwell Jaeger Lecoultre Craighill
Read:WM Brown GQ The Rake Garden and Gun Our State Magazine QC Exclusive Charlotte Magazine The Charlotte Ledger The New York Times